How To Stay Cool In Your Apartment In Indianapolis

Rising summer temperatures can make your Indianapolis apartment sweltering -- especially if you live on the top floor. You have the choice to turn up the A/C unit for relief and deal with a larger utility bill later. Another option is to spend all your free time in the swimming pool. Instead, follow these recommendations to stay cool in your apartment in Indianapolis.
Be Smart With Your Thermostat To Stay Cool In Your Apartment In Indianapolis

When attempting to stay cool in your apartment in Indianapolis, it’s often enticing to adjust your cooling system. But running your air conditioner full-blast can get a bit pricey, and you shouldn’t expect it to cool your unit more than 20 degrees below the outside temperature. You can operate your air conditioner in a less demanding fashion by moving the thermostat to 78 degrees as you prepare to head out for the day. This will keep your apartment from becoming too warm without overburdening your A/C when you’re not there. When you come home, turn it back down to a more agreeable setting.
Routine care of your system lets your A/C unit function at a high level of efficiency as well. Ask your property managaement to inspect it and replace the air filters on a regular basis. Some properties schedule HVAC filter changes during the year and make the filters available to you. Tell them if you experience any issues.
Install Window Treatments To Guard Against Heat From The Sun

Your apartment windows allow a lot of heat. Covering them with the right window treatments will aid in keeping you comfortable. Get started by closing your blinds. Even the white blinds found in a majority of apartments will divert a bit of the heat coming in from the sun. Then, install blackout curtains. These thick curtains block those warm ultraviolet rays and can help keep your unit a few degrees lower. The majority of apartment complexes allow you to put up a curtain rod if you are willing to repair the drill holes before moving.
If you are enamored with the natural landscape of your surroundings to the extent that you hesitate to block your windows, try window films that reflect heat. This smart, see-through solution adheres to your windows and impedes heat but not your view. While you’re at it, put weatherstripping around the window perimeter to keep hot air out and cool air inside.
Improve Ventilation And Airflow With Fans
Fans can create the right amount of air circulation within all of your rooms to help you stay cool. Put a fan close to a vent to get your cooled air circulating. If you already use ceiling fans, make sure they rotate counterclockwise. This allows the fan to force the cooled air down.
If you have exhaust fans in the bathroom or over the stove, you can use these too. Usually, these fans pull warmer air out of your apartment and release it to the exterior of your home when showering or cooking, but they can be run at any time. Power them on when you arrive home after work to remove the uncomfortable, warm air that builds up in your apartment during your working hours while your A/C or ceiling fans replace it with treated air.
Keep The Oven Off When It’s Hot

See How We Keep Things Cool At The Edge Apartments
The Edge has roomy layouts, a range of sought-after amenities, and enticing surroundings--everything you need to ensure a fulfilling experience all year round. Our knowledgeable staff will inform you about everything we make available to our Residents when you call 463-345-4399 or request a tour.